City Youth Center
Dilara Çiftçi
Youth councils are a form of youth voice engaged in community decision-making. The goals of this city youth center are; regardless of backgrounds, identities, and cultural differences, giving people a chance to discuss their concerns and find solutions for them, connecting young people with decision-making structures, creating environments for peer-to-peer and non-formal education, introducing people to volunteering, creating awareness, connecting the dots for young people.
The project aims to contradict existing historical site context and create a representation of contemporary technology and design methods with both functioning/practical and dramatic spaces with respect to its surrounding. This physical project is a version of the fundamental design concept forming a body. The creation of Voronoi cells starts with connecting dots which is also the starting point of the project concept bringing people from different backgrounds and creating a platform for them to connect.
The building is divided into 3 incubation clusters as deliberation, institutions, and education that are connected with bridges on the upper levels. The deliberation cluster is where discussions, city forums, community decision-makings happen. Institutions cluster includes the institutions to unify at the city hall and work in collaboration with each other as well as the public. The education cluster includes spaces for learning with attractive methods.
Open floor plan and movable walls of the building provide flexibility, multifunctionality and help to not separate people and keep them connected. Most spaces are connected with interaction spaces surrounding them to enhance effective communication among people. Galleries provide visual connection between floors and natural lighting to interiors. Council meetings can be open and available for everyone aiming to increase the participation of the community or they can be private with movable walls.
Car parking areas will be eliminated to promote public transportation, bicycle usage, and pedestrianization. The site is in the center of Kayseri, thus it has easy access to public transport. Furthermore, there are bicycle renting areas nearby and parking areas are provided.