Görkem Kemal Şahin
Trade-Based Productive City Council in Kayseri

Normally, the city is a homeostasis with urban dynamics; adding or removing factors can affect this homeostasis which means the problem arises only adding something from the outside or missing something from inside. The important thing is how city dynamics react to this changes.
In Kayseri perspective, the city was on important trade routes in history. So different groups met and lived here long time. It created multi-cultural structure. Trade was the meeting point for different societies. But this intersection also caused more migration. It also affects decreasing the city belonging. All of them created transformation. The city has transformed in historically and morphologically. The spital and cultural transformation was examined. The main title was trade.
In short, trade caused transform and solution will be again trade.
Trade was the biggest factor of city’s form change. It is also the most important factor that keeps city alive. So, as a city administration, I would like to present an understanding of municipalism that focuses on trade.
The aim of this project is to create a modern multicultural and international management partnership with trade at the center.
This partnership will be possible through international trade agreements and integration between local producers and global customers. The trigger will be trade. In addition, transformation of the city will be turned into a social center with various activities, training and entrepreneurship activities.
The income generated here will be used within ‘Participatory Budgeting Project’. In this way, the people decide how and where to spend the public budget. In this way, communication and participation in the city will be increased. At the same time, the municipality will spend the income from the city to the city again.
Thus, participation and civic engagement will be increased and a center will be turned a place where everyone will have to right to speak. In this project, it will also aimed to increase trade-based urban awareness and consciousness.
In short, the municipality complex will consist of 3 stages. These will be the examination of transform, its creation of a trade-based management approach and, as a result, the increase of urban awareness and belonging.
Booklet Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16mNjFivO2QSW20cUXzrTyh2o7vURIk88/view?usp=sharing